Home Our Diocese Alert from Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network: CALL NOW as physician-assisted suicide again...

Alert from Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network: CALL NOW as physician-assisted suicide again being pushed by Delaware legislature

John McNeal
John McNeal, director of the state council for persons with disabilities, waits to testify in opposition to Delaware's physician-assisted suicide proposal in early 2019. Dialog photo/Joseph P. Owens

By Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network

Contact your state representative and urge them to oppose physician-assisted suicide and to vote NO on House Bill 140!

House Bill 140, legalizing physician-assisted suicide in Delaware, is on the House Agenda for Thursday, May 19, 2022.  The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington along with a coalition of other faith communities, organizations and advocates for the elderly, sick and persons with disabilities have been working against various versions of this bill for years. This vote is critical.

The Medical Society of Delaware, the American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians,  Saint Francis Healthcare, the Delaware Health Care Association (hospitals) and the Delaware Health Care Facilities Association (long-term care facilities) oppose physician-assisted suicide, as do advocates for those with disabilities, and many faith communities.

You can play an important role by contacting your State Representative to urge them to oppose this bill and to vote “no” when the bill is before the House.

In a statement to The Dialog in January, Governor Carney expressed his personal opposition to the bill. You can read it here.

Thomas Kolar, a teacher at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Olney, Md., displays a sign with his students during the Maryland March for Life in Annapolis Feb. 24, 2020. Hundreds of people rallied through the streets of the Maryland capital during the annual march, urging more state restrictions on abortion and opposing a bill that would make doctor-assisted suicide legal in the state. (CNS photo/Kevin J. Parks, Catholic Review)

As with previous iterations of this bill, Catholics’ opposition to physician-assisted suicide is rooted in the Church’s belief in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and the dignity of the individual, both of which are objective and non-negotiable truths and principles of our faith

Please contact your State Representative and urge them to oppose physician-assisted suicide in Delaware!

If you have sent your State Representative emails opposing House Bill 140 in the past and did not get a reply, why don’t you consider phoning them? Click here for a directory.