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Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network urges Delawareans to contact senators in opposition to HB140

Rep. Paul Baumbach has been primary sponsor of the physician-assisted suicide bill in Delaware.

The Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network, a service of the Diocese of Wilmington, is urging Catholics in Delaware to contact their state senators in opposition to House Bill 140, which would legalize assisted suicide in the state.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Paul Baumbach, a Democrat from Newark, passed the House of Representatives on April 18 on a party-line vote of 21-16, with four members absent. It was assigned to the Senate Executive Committee, where it has yet to receive a hearing. The committee is scheduled to meet May 21 and 22, although HB 140 is not on the agenda for either day.

DCAN said hundreds of Delawareans contacted their senators and Gov. John Carney after a previous action alert was issued in April. The organization said its opposition to physician-assisted suicide stems from “the belief in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and the dignity of the individual.”

In addition, it said, HB 140 has “serious flaws” that could endanger the elderly, mentally ill and disabled and could result in elder abuse, insurance fraud and an increase in the overall suicide rate. It also would fundamentally change the legal approach to medical ethics, medical practice and health-care decision-making in Delaware.

The Senate Executive Committee has seven members, five Democrats and two Republicans. If they advance the bill out of committee, it would move to the full senate. Should the senate consider and pass the bill, it would head to Carney for his signature, veto or no action. Carney has previously stated his opposition to assisted suicide.

The General Assembly is in session until June 30. This is the second of a two-year session; if the senate does not act by June 30, the bill would have to be re-introduced next year and begin the legislative process all over again.

Delawareans can find their state senator at legis.delaware.gov/FindMyLegislator. The main number to Legislative Hall is (302) 744-4114.