Home Our Diocese Five winners named in annual Knights of Columbus vocation essay contest

Five winners named in annual Knights of Columbus vocation essay contest

Candidates for the priesthood lie prostrate during an ordination Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican May 12, 2019. The pope ordained 19 new priests. (CNS photo/Stefano Spaziani, pool)

WILMINGTON — Four students from Catholic schools in the Diocese of Wilmington, along with one in a parish religious-education program, have won the annual Jerry E. Dawson, PSD, Memorial Vocation Essay Contest, which was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.

The Catholic school winners were Emma Kelley, fifth grade, St. Elizabeth School; Jayden Gonzalez, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth School; Maura Read, seventh grade, Ursuline Academy; and Justin Saylor, eighth grade, St. Elizabeth School. Ryan Brown, a sixth-grader who attends religious education at St. Helena Parish, also was a winner.

The topics were the following: “My Unforgettable Story About a Priest, Nun, Religious Brother or Deacon” for fifth grade; “Five Character Traits that I Admire in a Priest, Nun, Religious Brother or Deacon” for sixth grade; “Lifestyle Changes that Must Be Made for a Religious Vocation” for seventh grade; and “Why We Need Dedicated Leaders in the Religious Life Today” for eighth grade.

This was the 24th annual contest. Each student will receive a $50 check, a plaque and the opportunity to record their essay for the Catholic Forum program for future broadcast. Catholic Forum is available anytime at www.cdow.org/CatholicForum and is available through any podcast provider. It is also broadcast on Relevant Radio 640 AM each Sunday at 11 a.m.