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Dialog reporter MILLTOWN – One for the thumb. That about sums up the exhibition the Salesianum and St. Mark's basketball teams put on Feb. 9 at St. Mark's, a five-overtime marathon that was not decided until the final seconds. After almost...
CAMBRIDGE, England (CNS) -- Pope Francis is inviting Catholics to take a more holistic approach to their faith, and that requires a change in underlying assumptions, said Chicago Cardinal Blase J. Cupich. The pope is not offering the new approach...
WASHINGTON -- Acts of love, courage and sacrifice by first responders, parents and children alike are hallmarks of a country that is rooted in prayer and deep faith in God, President Donald Trump told the National Prayer Breakfast. The president...
CatholicPhilly.com PHILADELPHIA -- Dreams do come true. Faithful fans of the Philadelphia Eagles, who captured their first Super Bowl championship Feb. 4, also captured the hearts of up to 2 million people who packed the row-house-lined streets and grand boulevards of...
Dialog reporter CHESTER, Pa. – This time of year, high school seniors are busy with any number of pursuits. Picking a college, looking forward to a prom and booking a house in Dewey Beach for Senior Week are just a...
Dialog reporter HOCKESSIN – The St. Elizabeth boys' basketball team showed up at Sanford School on the afternoon of Feb. 8 to face a Warriors team that had won 10 straight after opening the season 1-4. But the team on...
Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY  -- A Vatican court found two former top managers of the Vatican bank liable for mismanagement and ordered an injunction for them to pay damages. The sentence was announced Feb. 6 by the bank, formally known...
  Catholic News Service WASHINGTON  -- Saying the time had come to "right a wrong," Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl blessed and dedicated commemorative bronze plaques honoring unknown enslaved men, women and children buried throughout the Archdiocese of Washington. Washington's archbishop sprinkled holy...
 Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY  -- Though not as fast as a speeding bullet, "Superpope" will fly across the world, gathering autographs of sports stars and eventually being auctioned off to raise money for the pope's charity.  The initiative kicked off...
  Catholic News Service Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time      Cycle B      1) Lv 13:1-2, 44-46      Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 11      2) 1 Cor 10:31 - 11-1      Gospel: Mk 1:40-45  'Make me clean' Chances are most of us struggle to...
