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Catholic News Service WASHINGTON -- Catholics have to learn to see innocence in the faces of those coming to the U.S., just as they see the innocence of children in the womb, a Seattle auxiliary bishop said Feb. 3 in...
Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The bishop who chairs the U.S. bishops' Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism gave a sobering assessment of U.S. Catholics' treatment of blacks, from the laity to the hierarchy. "The American Catholic Church has continued to...
Dialog reporter As the teams head down the homestretch of the regular season, this week features a few Catholic rivalry matchups, including the most celebrated on both the boys’ and girls’ sides. Boys Tuesday Ss. Peter and Paul at Jemicy, 4 p.m. Polytech (1-14)...
Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Usury is a grave sin that must be fought by building more just and humane economic and financial systems as well as by teaching people to live within their means, Pope Francis said. The practice...
Catholic News Service When we read Scripture, we marvel at the compassion that Jesus showed to the sick and suffering. Often, we read that Jesus was "moved with pity" for the distress of others, and scholars tell us this phrase...
Catholic News Service Among the seven sacraments of the church, I can say with some confidence (after 51 years as a priest) that the one most frequently misunderstood is the anointing of the sick. Two weeks ago, I happened to be...
Catholic News Service Sickness can be nothing less than dumbfounding. Perhaps without warning it strikes a friend or relative, someone who last month appeared entirely healthy. Its arrival stuns us. Initially we may feel helplessly at a loss, neither knowing what...
The sacrament of anointing of the sick -- sometimes called the sacrament of the sick -- continues the healing work of Jesus. The sacrament is appropriate for anyone whose health is seriously imperiled by sickness or advanced age. Through the anointing...
MINNEAPOLIS -- Students of St. John Paul II Catholic Preparatory School in Minneapolis joyfully put on brand new coats as current and former members of the Minnesota Vikings greeted them. One of the Vikings' backup quarterbacks, Kyle Sloter, and former...
Catholic News Service OXFORD, England -- Mali's Catholic Church said it hopes to obtain the release of a kidnapped Franciscan nun after her Islamist captors released a video showing her pleading with the pope to help save her life. "Although we've...
