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OMAHA, Neb. (CNS) -- She entered religious life thinking skills she'd learned on the soccer field, and volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, would have to stay on the sidelines. Then came the boys and girls of St. Michael School in...
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston called for prayers for the victims killed and injured in a pair of school shootings in Kentucky and Texas. In a statement released Jan. 23 after the second shooting in two...
Dialog reporter WILMINGTON — Kennedy Crowder realizes she was born with opportunities and advantages that others her age may not have. So she decided to do something to help even the playing field. Over the past few years, the Padua Academy...
Dialog reporter WILMINGTON — On an early December morning, first-grade students at St. Elizabeth School laughed as they helped program an electronic ball to follow a taped path along the floor of their classroom. Upstairs, sixth-graders played around with one...
The sacrament of reconciliation isn't about God condemning us for our sins, nor is it about the priest; rather, it's an invitation to be healed by God's mercy. It can be a powerful way to grow in faith and encounter God...
Catholic News Service Human sinfulness and God's never-ending forgiveness are central themes of the entire Bible, Old and New Testament alike. Beginning with the sin in the garden in Genesis 3:1-7, through God's mercy for Cain, on through the histories and...
Catholic News Service For many baby boomers and other Catholics, the childhood experience of reconciliation was "old school" -- a daunting, opaque confession of transgressions in an anonymous, confining confessional capped off with a recital of the act of contrition. Today,...
As a child I always disliked going to the dentist. As an adult, I can't say I'm excited to go to the dentist, but I still make time to go. Even though it's not our favorite, we still go. Now...
Catholic News Service   Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time Cycle B 1) Dt 18:15-20 Psalm: 95:1-2, 6-9 2) 1 Cor 7:32-35 Gospel: Mk 1:21-28   Accepting the authority of Jesus Think of the last time you heard or read something of interest. Perhaps it was the headline news, a...
WASHINGTON -- Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston called for prayers for the victims killed and injured in a pair of school shootings in Kentucky and Texas. In a statement released Jan. 23 after the second shooting in two days,...
