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Viewpoint: Extraordinary women ready to give their best

As we endure these difficult days in the life of our Church, I’ve been thinking about the potential for committed Catholic women to bind...

Little Sisters of the Poor ask: Are you ready to give your best?

By Sister Constance Veit, LSP As we endure these difficult days in the life of our Church, I’ve been thinking about the potential for committed...

Canon law professor says church did not foresee crimes by bishops

WASHINGTON -- The 1983 Code of Canon Law did not anticipate crimes being committed by bishops that could result in their laicization, according to...
Cardinal DiNardo

National Review Board: ‘What needs to happen is genuine change’

WASHINGTON -- More committees are not the answer to stop the abuse of children and vulnerable adults by clergy, said an Aug. 28 statement...
Knights of Columbus

Bishop Malooly among prelates with local ties at Knights convention

BALTIMORE -- The chalice on the center of the altar was given by the pope to the third archbishop of Baltimore nearly two centuries...

Support the Cathedral of St. Peter on Aug. 18-19

Dear Friends in Christ: It is my sincere hope that you have been able to join in some of the celebrations that have been taking...
Katharine Drexel

St. Katharine Drexel remains to be enshrined at cathedral in Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) -- The remains of St. Katharine Drexel, founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, will be transferred from the crypt under...
St. Mary Magdalen

Barbara Wanner remembered in tribute at St. Mary Magdalen School

BRANDYWINE HUNDRED — St. Mary Magdalen’s library is undergoing a makeover this summer that will transform it into a modern learning space while reaching...
Gina Christian

Insider works in heaven to help those suffering with addiction

By GINA CHRISTIAN "One of my parishioners told me he's deleted 40 contacts from his cellphone since February," my priest friend said. "All of them...
Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin expert questions results of experiments conducted by scientist

VATICAN CITY -- A leading expert on the cloth believed to be the burial shroud of Jesus dismissed a new study claiming that blood...
