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When will this year’s election tally be known and how will...

WASHINGTON -- Journalism, as it has long been said, is the first rough draft of history. That's why we see every so often a "DEWEY...

Have religious leaders pray for peace and greater care for one...

ROME -- The only way to end war and ensure humanity's survival is "through encounter and negotiation, setting aside our conflicts and pursuing reconciliation,...

Ahead of one of the most contentious U.S. elections, Catholics urged...

PHOENIX -- Ahead of what has been described as one of the most contentious elections in the United States, the Diocese of Phoenix offered...

Eventual coronavirus vaccine should belong to everyone, not hoarded, Pope Francis...

VATICAN CITY -- An eventual vaccine for COVID-19 would belong to the world and should not be hoarded greedily by countries hosting the lab...

Fleeing with the Lord as storm headed to the Gulf Coast:...

We fled. We woke up early, checked the weather reports, turned on the news and hastily packed the car, cramming in essentials: wedding photos, clothes,...

Guns, looting and public disorder — how can our youth get...

He had a baby face, still chubby with no etchings of maturity. He looked like the kid who might mow your lawn for a...

Post-pandemic world must not return to selfish ‘normality,’ Pope Francis says

VATICAN CITY -- In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, the world must aspire to be better and not return to its previous "sickened"...

Religious freedom: Callista Gingrich, top U.S., Vatican officials explain why its...

ROME -- A symposium hosted by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See -- with representatives from the U.S. government and top Vatican officials --...

U.S. bishops say ‘enough’ on federal executions, call for ‘rehabilitation and...

WASHINGTON -- Just hours before the sixth federal execution took place this year, and two days before the next one was scheduled, two U.S. bishops' committee chairmen...

Droughts, derecho, COVID-19, trade with China create ‘huge drain’ for farming...

ELKHART, Iowa -- Patrick Gannon was driving home to the family farm north of Colfax when the Aug. 10 derecho blew through. "I didn't even...
