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Palms — a symbol of peace — become a holy sacramental...

What would a Palm Sunday procession or Mass be without the presence of its namesake -- the palm? The palm branch represents victory and peace...

Our Lenten Journey, March 29: St. Gladys

If you're looking for something to read during a stay-at-home order, stories about King Arthur and his knights are always a good choice. But...

Our Lenten Journey, March 28: St. Catherine of Bologna

She was raised in an Italian court where she had an exceptional education and excelled in the arts. But she chose the life of...

Our Lenten Journey, March 27: St. Jadwiga of Poland

Little girls who admire fictional princesses should learn more about St. Jadwiga, the real-life princess who was one of Poland's holiest and greatest rulers. Born...

Our Lenten Journey, March 26: St. Mary of the Cross

How many saints do you know of who have been excommunicated? Joan of Arc comes to mind, however, she met a tragic end. You...

Fifth Sunday of Lent: Maybe our souls could use a post-confession...

Sunday Scripture readings, March 29, 2020, Fifth Sunday of Lent 1) Ez 37:12-14 Psalm 130:1-8 2) Rom 8:8-11 Gospel: Jn 11:1-45 Maybe our souls could use a post-confession prayer Recently...

Our Lenten Journey, March 25: St. Elizabeth

Today is the feast of the Annunciation, the moment when the angel Gabriel brought very important and unexpected news to Mary. However, this isn't...

Our Lenten Journey, March 24: St. Rose of Lima

The Dialog news operation is providing special alerts to readers of the Angelus e-newsletter. Sign up here for a free subscription to the Angelus. She...

Our Lenten Journey, March 23: St. Catherine Laboure

Google "Blessed Mother medal," and the suggestions you find will most likely all be the same: the Miraculous Medal. This beautiful representation of Mary...

True forgiveness can only occur when pain is released

When I was 17 years old, I bumped into a bush and lodged a thorn in my elbow muscle. I pulled the thorn out,...
