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Tag: Pope Francis

Trenton Bishop David M. O’Connell greets Pope Francis after being released...

VATICAN CITY -- The day after being released from Rome's Santo Spirito Hospital, Bishop David M. O'Connell of Trenton, New Jersey, had a heart-to-heart...

Pope Francis discusses surrogate pregnancy, ‘curbing the savagery of war’ and...

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis called on the international community to ban surrogate pregnancy, calling it "deplorable" and a "grave violation of the dignity...

Vatican investigation ends with findings that Archbishop John C. Nienstedt acted...

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- A multiyear investigation overseen by the Catholic Church into Archbishop John C. Nienstedt, who resigned from the Archdiocese of St....

Archdiocese of Mobile announces married, runaway priest Alex Crow’s laicization process...

An Alabama Catholic priest has now been fully returned to the lay state months after he fled the country with a recent Catholic high...

Pope Francis thanks German Catholic journalists for their work: ‘Support the...

VATICAN CITY-- Help "de-weaponize" the way language is used in the media by being respectful to others and fostering greater understanding and peace between...

Italian Catholic priest Father Ramon Guidetti excommunicated for ‘schismatic’ homily

ROMEĀ  -- An Italian Catholic priest has been excommunicated for having publicly committed "an act of a schismatic nature" while celebrating Mass at his...

Pope Francis offers prayers for first responders, survivors, at least 48...

Pope Francis prayed for all those affected by a devastating earthquake in Japan, offering encouragement to emergency crews who were assisting victims and searching...

Pope Francis and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discuss putting ‘Ukraine’s Peace...

VATICAN CITY -- For at least the fourth time since Russia began its large-scale attack on Ukraine in February 2022, Pope Francis and Ukrainian...

Pope Francis has some major events on 2024 calendar, but travel...

VATICAN CITY -- As the new year begins, Pope Francis will be the oldest reigning pope since the early 1900s and the third oldest...

First woman named to key Philadelphia archdiocesan post inspired by faith...

As Pope Francis seeks to include more women in key church leadership positions, a Catholic social worker has been named to a pioneering post...
