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Tag: Pope Francis

Pope Francis: Don't hold grudges; forgiveness comes from forgiving others

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Christians must let go of resentments and forgive those who have wronged them so that they may experience God's...

Nuclear dilemma: It's non-violence or non-existence

“To call the world’s nuclear situation dire is to understate the danger and its immediacy,” warned Rachel Bronson, Ph.D., president of the Bulletin of...

Pope Francis nears five years and still blazes own course

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected pope just a few days after telling the College of Cardinals that the...

‘Politics for peace’ prompts question of what it would look like

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON -- When Pope Francis said, in the title of his 2017 World Day of Peace message, that he wanted to see...

Stop loan sharks with fair lending options, frugal lifestyles, pope says

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Usury is a grave sin that must be fought by building more just and humane economic and financial systems...

All religious leaders should turn away hatred, violence, exploitation

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Every religious leader must unmask and condemn any attempt to use God's name to perpetuate evil and to justify...

Pope answers questions about couple’s in-flight convalidation

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis' decision to convalidate the marriage of two flight attendants in the air sent waves of turbulence through...

Pope apologizes to sex abuse victims, defends accused Chilean bishop

Catholic News Service ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM PERU -- Pope Francis apologized to victims of clergy sex abuse, saying he unknowingly wounded them by...

Pope Francis leaves Chile, Peru with consistent message of unity, dialogue

Catholic News Service LIMA, Peru -- Pope Francis tackled politically charged issues during his weeklong visit to Chile and Peru, decrying human trafficking, environmental destruction,...

Pope meets with survivors of clergy sex abuse in Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile -- Pope Francis met in private Jan. 16 with survivors of sexual abuse by Chilean clergy, a Vatican spokesman said, but his...
