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Living liturgically means living Lent all year — Jaymie Stuart Wolfe

Living liturgically means approaching Lent as a built-in annual retreat. For most Catholics, that takes a time-tested and traditional shape. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving...

Observe our Lenten practices by embracing the call to forgive one another — Jaymie...

In Roman Catholic parishes, the rituals of Lent begin with the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday. But many Eastern Christians -- both Catholic...

Let God choose your Lenten sacrifice; challenge at a deeper level — Jaymie Stuart...

“What are you giving up for Lent?” For many Catholics, the question appears almost automatically — and even before the last box of Christmas...

Our on-demand lifestyle isn’t fair in what it demands of other people — Jaymie...

How we live our lives is substantially different from how our parents and grandparents lived theirs. We no longer need to wait a whole...

‘Say hello to Jesus:’ Eucharist reminds us that Jesus is, as he promised, with...

As the Eucharistic revival moves into its parish phase, I wonder how everyday Catholics will experience it. Having been raised in the Episcopal Church,...

‘Don’t become a Sacristy Rat’ and other good advice for new Catholics going forward...

Becoming a Roman Catholic was one of the best decisions I ever made, and certainly the most life-changing. But in truth I had only...

Mardi Gras celebration offers the church a model for discipleship that looks like joy...

Catholics treasure the unity we have in faith. One of the most beautiful things about being Catholic is that regardless of language, culture and...

Call it ‘Ecclesiolatry’: Focus on Jesus rather than trappings of faith — Jaymie Stuart...

Our Catholic faith has a rich heritage of truth, goodness and beauty derived through Scripture, sacraments, the lives of the saints, moral and systematic...

Sanctifying work: more than a way to make a living?

My mind has been focused on work a lot lately. That's probably because in seven of our eight adult children's households, someone has been...

‘It is the Lord!’ — We experience God’s presence in creation, Scripture, silence, the...

If there's one thing we can learn from those who encountered the Risen Lord during the 40 days between his Resurrection and Ascension, it's...
