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Catholic News Service


After a year of physician-assisted suicide in New Jersey, Bishop James...

METUCHEN, N.J. (CNS) -- More than a year after the Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act took effect in New Jersey,...

Catholic baker’s sweet treats make occasions ‘a little more meaningful’

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Genevie Alejandro never expected her future in the baking entrepreneurial world to begin with a bishop. But in April, she made her...

Montgomery County, Md., health officer backs off effort to force private...

WASHINGTON -- The Archdiocese of Washington's Catholic Schools Office hailed an Aug. 7 announcement by a Montgomery County health officer that he has rescinded...

Dr. Robert Redfield, head of CDC, says greater risk is to...

WASHINGTON -- Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, thinks it is a good idea for schools to reopen...

St. Augustine High School of New Orleans gets financial boost from...

NEW ORLEANS -- Kenneth St. Charles, president of St. Augustine High School in New Orleans, has toiled in fundraising and development for nearly a...

Roncalli High School, named for St. John XXIII, decides to give...

For its first 50 years, Roncalli High School in Indianapolis had the nickname "Rebels," but school officials announced this summer that they will replace...

Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento issues ‘latae sententiae’ excommunication of ‘schismatic’...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A suspended priest in the Diocese of Sacramento has been automatically excommunicated because he continued to celebrate Mass despite being instructed...

North Carolina earthquake arrives in tandem with reading on Elijah taking...

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Scripture really came alive Aug. 9 for Catholics in Charlotte. A 5.1-magnitude earthquake originating near Sparta was felt in Charlotte a little...

Asking for Mary’s intercession during the pandemic on the Bayou Teche

MARTINVILLE, La.  -- On Aug. 15, the sixth annual Fete-Dieu du Teche, a 40-mile eucharistic procession by boat and on foot along the Bayou...

Montgomery County, Md., official issues new order in attempt to defy...

WASHINGTON -- Citing regulations to circumvent Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's related Aug. 3 emergency order, Montgomery County's health officer issued a new directive Aug....
