Home Authors Posts by Father Thomas Dailey, OSFS

Father Thomas Dailey, OSFS


Aiming toward a spiritual intelligence at Pentecost — Father Thomas Dailey,...

Linguists enjoy oxymorons – those word pairings that, despite being a contradiction literally, nevertheless still make sense. A civil war is anything but, nor...

Intelligence of communication today needs the virtue of a reasonable heart...

Can artificial intelligence (AI) really fix everything? The question arose, with a “wink-and-nod,” in the “coy disclaimer” to a recent social media post that showed...

Meaning of the Eucharist is encounter with the living God, a...

If only churches were like ballparks. Just imagine: parking lots filled to capacity with pre-Mass bonding, excitable chants echoing all around, communal camaraderie in...

As a society, we still have much to learn in the...

The United States Bishops have invited Catholics to pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the feast day (June 16).  This year’s call...

In considering World Communications Day, cordiality gives us the way to...

It’s “time to be real.” So says a popular social media app as it notifies users to snap and share a photo of what they’re...

In a world of polarization, a nod toward the word of...

The Super Bowl has come and gone, its final score to be celebrated by some, forgotten by most. But before that fateful Sunday fades...

Wise Men and the Christmas choice bring forward a modern-day message...

The Magi have come and gone. With the Epiphany the Christmas narrative concludes. The popular story of the foreign travelers charms the masses with a...

At season’s end, resurrection awaits for fans of the Phillies and...

“It breaks your heart. It’s designed to break your heart.” So says former baseball commissioner Bart Giammati, in a classic essay about our national pastime He reminds us...

Holy Communion: Getting Jesus and more — Father Thomas F. Dailey,...

“As conversations go, the one recently held as part of a series at St. Thomas More Oratory in Newark was completely civil, even friendly. It...

Listening with the ‘ear of our hearts’ enables us to avoid...

EDITOR'S NOTE: Catch Father Dailey on Thursday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m., for Catholic Conversations: "The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the...
