Mike Nelson, Catholic News Service
Fasting from sin is a challenge all of us face daily
In the beginning, fasting was no big deal -- or at least it shouldn't have been.
God gave Adam and Eve all they wanted, with...
Catholic social teaching on human dignity: ‘Let us love one another’
In recent centuries, dozens (if not hundreds) of church documents containing millions (if not billions) of words address Catholic social teaching. But the essence...
Advent Week 1: New season and new year remind us how...
How many of you, when asked, "How are you doing?", have replied, "I'm just waiting for this year to end"?
We have experienced in 2020...
Autumn: Patience and promise amid the changing seasons
In our backyard is a solitary Liquid Amber tree (liquidambar) that from spring through summer produces a gorgeous bounty of green leaves, providing welcome...
Father’s Day: Faith, fathers and the real power of persuasion
"My son," says the Book of Proverbs, "do not despise the Lord's discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those...
Pentecost: Know forgiveness, know peace; no forgiveness, no peace
"Peace be with you," Jesus says in the Gospel reading for Pentecost Sunday (Jn 20:19).
Peace — as in harmony, or even as in a...
Forgiveness, both giving and receiving, is core to our Catholic faith
Forgiveness -- both seeking and offering it -- is one of the great challenges of our Catholic faith. But it is also among its...
Gifts of the Spirit: Piety is compassion to be shared
It was raining hard the day our son, then a high school freshman, encountered a rain-drenched student he did not know but who, unlike...
Gifts of the Spirit: Knowledge is more than just facts
What is knowledge? More specifically, what is knowledge in relation to our Catholic faith?
Several years ago, I came upon St. Bonaventure's "Prayer for the...
Justice, peace and the call of our baptism
Some awfully nice visions of the future are painted in this year's readings for the Second Sunday of Advent -- peace and justice, primarily.