Home Education and Careers Aquinas Academy students build new altar for the school’s chapel in memory...

Aquinas Academy students build new altar for the school’s chapel in memory of longtime principal Jack Moore — Photo gallery

Fathers Charles Dillingham and Joseph W. McQuaide IV celebrate first Mass with the new altar at Aquinas Academy.

Aquinas Academy observed the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Mass celebrated by Father Charles Dillingham and Joseph W. McQuaide IV.

During the liturgy, Father McQuaide blessed the school’s new altar.

The altar, which will be used for the school’s biweekly Masses and Benedictions, was crafted by Aquinas Academy high school students who participate in the woodworking shop class.

The students spent several sessions learning woodworking techniques from Greg Muennich (@arborwoodwork), one of the school parents, who donated his time and resources to the students.

Muennich designed the altar, which has the ability to fold up for storage. It is made of white oak with a natural wood finish. The cost of the materials was contributed by a donor to the school.

The altar is dedicated in memory of the school’s founder and longtime principal, Jack Moore, who died May 17.