Home Our Diocese Good Shepherd prepares for anniversary celebrations for church, school

Good Shepherd prepares for anniversary celebrations for church, school


PERRYVILLE, Md. — To borrow a line from an old Wrigley’s Doublemint gum commercial, Good Shepherd Church and School decided to double their pleasure as they contemplated how to observe anniversaries.

On Oct. 14, they will gather together for an anniversary Mass at the church, followed by “a rather informal reception” on the school grounds across the street, said Father Jay McKee, pastor. A procession from the school to the church at 11:45 a.m. will precede the noon Mass, to be celebrated by Bishop Malooly.

The celebration marks Good Shepherd School’s 60th anniversary this year and Good Shepherd Parish’s 70th birthday next year.

The reception will feature yard games and rides for children; music by Dodging Cupid, a band that includes Deacon Ken Pulliam, and pit barbecue sandwiches. Those attending are asked to bring side dishes, Father McKee said. Activities are planned inside the school auditorium and on the school grounds.

National Junior Honor Society students will be available to provide tours of the school.

“Our parish is rather informal, hence the informality of the day,” Father McKee said.

Good Shepherd Parish has about 850 registered families. It has three active churches — Good Shepherd in Perryville, St. Teresa in Port Deposit and St. Agnes in Rising Sun — as well as historic St. Patrick’s Chapel in Pilottown, which is used on special occasions.

The first Mass at Good Shepherd Parish was celebrated in September 1949, but the parish’s roots go back much further. St. Patrick’s celebrated its 200th anniversary in September; St. Teresa was founded in 1866 as part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and St. Agnes began in 1891.

Good Shepherd School has 81 students this year, former principal and longtime teacher Sharon Hodges said. One of the highlights this year is a one-on-one ChromeBook program for middle-school students. Lower grades also use ChromeBooks, but do not have one assigned to them.