Home Our Diocese ‘Catholic Forum’ includes multimedia Advent series with Father Richard Jasper

‘Catholic Forum’ includes multimedia Advent series with Father Richard Jasper

The Advent wreath, with a candle marking each week of the season, is a traditional symbol of the period. (CNS photo/Octavio Duran)

The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington is presenting a four-part multimedia Advent series being distributed via digital video, radio broadcasts, and podcasts. Written and hosted by Father Richard Jasper, associate pastor of Saint Ann Church in Wilmington, the series is designed to help individuals and families get the most out of the season of Advent and prepare spiritually for the coming of Christmas.

Father Richard Jasper
Father Richard Jasper

Each 10- to 15-minute presentation is debuting Saturdays at 5 p.m. during Advent (Dec. 1, 8, 15, and 22) on the diocesan YouTube channel – YouTube.com/DioceseofWilm. The next morning at 6:06, the audio portion of the presentation will air as part of that Sunday’s “Catholic Forum” radio program on WDEL, 101.7 FM and 1150 AM. Immediately following the broadcast, the program will be podcast at cdow.org/Catholic-Forum and on Apple, Spotify, and iHeartRadio podcasts. Additionally, the diocese has established a web page, cdow.org/Advent, which will contain the video and podcast links, as well as additional free Advent resources.

Ordained in 2017, Father Jasper worked as a middle school teacher in Catholic schools in Delaware County, Pa., before entering Saint Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Md., where he earned an advanced degree in theology.

“Despite the hectic pace of the weeks leading up to Christmas, the season of Advent really is meant to be a great gift: a time to prepare our hearts and lives to receive Christ in the many ways he comes to us,” Father Jasper said. “I am hoping this series will combine the living power of the word of God with lessons that we can take from the women and men who responded in great faith and trust to the word breaking into their daily lives, from Mary and Joseph to the parents of John the Baptist and, as you will see, the Samaritan woman at the well.  Advent reminds us that God’s love never stops seeking us out or gives up on us on this journey of faith.”

Robert Krebs, director of the Office of Communications for the diocese and host/producer of Catholic Forum said, “Father Jasper’s communication, teaching and theology training and experience, along with his warm and engaging style, makes him uniquely qualified to present this Advent series. I invite everyone to use the series as a way to better prepare for Christmas.” Father Jasper will preview the Advent series on the Nov. 25 edition of Catholic Forum.

Advent (from, “ad-venire” in Latin or “to come to”) is the season encompassing the four Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas. It is a time of preparation that directs the hearts and minds of Christians to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas. The final days of Advent, from Dec. 17-24, focus particularly on our preparation for the celebrations of the Nativity of our Lord (Christmas).

More information is available at www.cdow.org.