is following the #CDOW150th as 135 people travel for a pilgrimage to France and Rome to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the Diocese of Wilmington.
DESTINATION (Day Four): The pilgrims said goodbye to Annecy, a most beautiful and sacred place, and headed to Geneva by way of bus.
HIGHLIGHTS: Upon arrival, the delegation celebrated Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Fr. Jim Kirk, Saint Mary Magdalene Pastor, gave an excellent homily. After Mass, pilgrims had lunch on their own, then off to the airport for the quick flight to Rome.
TODAY’S QUOTES: “I was impressed by the fact that we are on pilgrimage to holy places, not unlike people of centuries past.”
–Connie Facciolo, Church of the Holy Child, Wilmington
“It’s inspirational to reflect on the suffering and persecution that St. Francis de Sales and St Jane de Chantal experienced during the Protestant Reformation. Yet they succeeded in evangelizing great sections of the region.”
–Judy Feick, St John the Beloved, Wilmington