Home Our Diocese Diary of #CDOW150th: Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square

Diary of #CDOW150th: Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square

Bishop Malooly
Bishop Malooly at the Basilica of St. Lawrence.

TheDialog.org is following the #CDOW150th as 135 people travel for a pilgrimage to France and Rome to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the Diocese of Wilmington.

DESTINATION (Day seven): The Basilica of St. Lawrence outside the wlls, St. Peter’s Square.

HIGHLIGHTS: After an early breakfast, pilgrims headed to The Basilica of St Lawrence outside the walls. This is an important church to pilgrims because it contains the body of Pope Pius IX who founded the Diocese of Wilmington on March 3, 1868. After mass, Bishop Malooly, the priests and pilgrims went to the basement of the church to pray before the crypt of the Pope.

After mass we proceeded to St. Peter’s Square for a little free time before the noontime appearance of Pope Francis who appeared in the window of his study to lead the faith in the praying of the Regina Coeli.

Lunch was served in onE of the city’s top restaurants, then it was off to see where early Christians buried their dead at the Catacombs of St Callixtus.

The day concluded with quick visits to the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls and the Basilica of Saint Mary Major.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “It’s one thing to see the Pope on TV, but it’s striking and moving to actually be in his presence.”

— Philip Donahue, St. John the Beloved

Pilgrims from the Diocese of Wilmington enjoy lunch in Rome.









Pilgrims from the Diocese of Wilmington await the appearance of Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square.