Home Education and Careers Holy Cross School students mark Advent with Jesse Tree in Dover

Holy Cross School students mark Advent with Jesse Tree in Dover

To mark the beginning of Advent, students of Holy Cross School in Dover designed Jesse Tree ornaments that bear a symbol that represents an event or a person leading up to the foretold coming of the Messiah.

The spiritual handmade creations adorn the campus Jesse Tree for all Holy Cross families to enjoy.

The Jesse Tree is an annual schoolwide project in which the students use different forms of artistic media to create one of the symbols representing a story from the Bible that tells about God’s people before Jesus was born.

Each story shows God’s salvation plan and tells how he guided humanity to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Holy Cross families enjoy the tree as they stop by frequently throughout the day to add ornaments or simply to admire its glory.
Students from Holy Cross School, Dover and the Jesse Tree which they decorated for Advent. (Submitted photo)
Students from Holy Cross School, Dover and the Jesse Tree which they decorated for Advent. (Submitted photo)