Home Our Diocese St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Bear celebrates Corpus Christi with procession,...

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Bear celebrates Corpus Christi with procession, marks its 45th anniversary: Photo gallery

Father Norman Carroll, pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Bear, leads the parish Corpus Christi procession on Sunday, June 11.

Parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Bear joined together for their Corpus Christi celebration.

Following the June 11 10:30 a.m. Mass, the parish celebrated the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ followed by a traditional Corpus Christi procession around the campus.

A reception followed marking the 45th anniversary of the parish.

The parish displayed the contents of a time capsule buried in 1978 when the church was built.

The marker says to open it on Easter 2023.