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Catholic leaders in Illinois are hailing the state's newly enacted ban on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and switches. "The Catholic Conference of Illinois would like to commend the Illinois General Assembly and Governor J.B. Pritzker on banning assault weapons and...
For the past three months, I’ve enjoyed a delightful new Monday ritual. After coffee with my husband and morning prayer, I pack my brown bag lunch, gather my backpack and walk a mile to a nondescript brick building on...
In the church today, young adults Catholics are often given a bad rap. Data have shown that our age group is disassociating from the Catholic Church in droves, and we are sometimes perceived generationally as being non-committal, for having...
Q: Why must I confess to a priest, when I can just talk to God? (Newark, N.J.) A: Jesus told his Apostles: “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained” (Jn 20:23). Our bishops...
GREENVILLE — The A.I. DuPont boys basketball team came out on fire against Saint Mark’s on Jan. 12, scoring the first 11 points of the game, but it took a second-half comeback to top the Spartans, 62-51. The first three...
CLAYMONT — Archmere dialed long distance early in the game, building up a 12-point advantage, one they would not relinquish in a 34-27 win over MOT Charter in boys basketball on Jan. 11 at Moglia Fieldhouse. The Auks won the...
WILMINGTON — Salesianum won all but one event in a 94-45 victory over Archmere in boys swimming on Jan. 11 at the Walnut Street YMCA. Ryan Mahoney Ben Lutcher and Bryce Patterson each won two individual events, and all...
Sunday Scripture readings, Jan. 15, 2023: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 49:3, 5-6  Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 1 Cor 1:1-3  Jn 1:29-34 The church's return to Ordinary Time is anything but ordinary In one moving sentence of his spiritual testament,...
WASHINGTON -- Just six months after the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that abortion is not a constitutional right, America’s pro-life advocates and health care providers are preparing for another consequential shift following...
Don’t miss a special 12-page section dedicated to the life of Pope Benedict XVI in this weekend’s edition of The Dialog. The retired pope died late last month at age 95 and a funeral Mass was celebrated last week by...
