Home Photo Galleries

Photo Galleries

Padua 70th

Saint Mark’s Mass

Bible school

Rosary rally

Acutis relics

Easter vigil

Via Crucis

Padua Musical

Spelling Bee

Good Shepherd

Pope Benedict XVI

Veterans Day

The Religious Hippie

Mother of Africa Chapel

Bishop Koenig anniversary

Prayers for Peace

Catholic Schools Week

Pope Francis meets President Biden

Pope Francis in Slovakia

Bishop Koenig at Cathedral of St. Peter

Pope Francis at Pentecost 2021

St. Helena’s fish fry

Vaccinations at St. Joseph’s

Ash Wednesday

Catholic Schools Week 2021


Christmas Eve Mass

Immaculate Conception

St. Martin de Porres Mass

Bishop’s 5K

Diocese of Wilmington Blue Mass, Oct. 2, 2020

St. Peter Cathedral School St. Vincent de Paul Prayer Service

Back to School 2020

First Mass in Del. June 1

St. E’s musical

Consecrated Life

Cathedral of St. Peter School

‘Ad limina’ 2019

Bishop Barres at Red Mass

Blessing of the animals

Diocese of Wilmington Blue Mass

Prayer Service at the Grave of the Unborn

9/11 Remembrance

Queen of Peace

Blessing the water

Little Sisters 150th

Knights seafood dinner

St. Edmond’s Corpus Christi

Dialog graduation photos

Reader graduation photos

60th Annual Field Mass

St. Helena’s carnival

Via Crucis

St. Thomas More spring musical

Closing Mass for sesquicentennial

Archmere Academy

SS. Peter and Paul High School

Pass the Word

Musical at Padua

Catholic Schools week

Catholic Schools Week

Pro-life event

Pope arrives in Dublin for World Meeting of Families


Blessing of the water in Ocean City, Md.

Historic churches — Sacred Heart Oratory

Baynard Stadium

Mass for vocations

Breaking ground