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Tag: Annapolis

Bishop Koenig offers prayers for Maryland General Assembly, seeking ‘right and...

Bishop Koenig of the Diocese of Wilmington led the prayer for the Maryland Catholic Conference Feb. 28 as another week of the legislative session...

Maryland Catholic Advocacy Day Feb. 16 welcomes input from parishioners eager...

By Catholic Standard The third Maryland Catholic Advocacy Day sponsored by the Maryland Catholic Conference, will be held this year on Wednesday, Feb. 16. Sponsored by...

Get on board for Maryland Catholic Advocacy Day Feb. 16 focusing...

Catholics who want their voices heard in Maryland have found their landing page. The Maryland Catholic Conference is making it easy for Catholics Feb. 16...

Marchers in Annapolis protest bill that would legalize physician-assisted suicide in...

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Hundreds of people rallied through the streets of Annapolis Feb. 24 for the annual Maryland March for Life, urging more state-level...

Tie vote in Senate sends Maryland assisted suicide effort to defeat

By The Catholic Standard The “Richard E. Israel and Roger ‘Pip’ Moyer End-of-Life Option Act” failed to advance out of the Maryland State Senate after...

Maryland state government prepared to make physician-assisted suicide legal

By Maryland Catholic Conference Catholics in Maryland need to sound the alarm, alerting all who care about the preservation of life to step up and...