Tag: Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick
Bishop Malooly: Retreat offered U.S. bishops chance to come together in...
At a time when the church faces great challenges, bishops of the U.S. turned to prayer and the Eucharist while spending a week together...
Vatican decision on McCarrick laicization could be issued by mid-January
WASHINGTON -- As U.S. bishops gathered in early January at a seminary in Illinois to pray and reflect about the American church's sex abuse...
Pope Francis sends letter to U.S. bishops: Abuse crisis requires conversion, humility
VATICAN CITY — The clerical abuse crisis and the "crisis of credibility" it created for the U.S. bishops have led to serious divisions within...
Man testifies McCarrick abused him beginning as a young boy
WASHINGTON -- James Grein, a Virginia man who said Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, former archbishop of Washington, sexually abused him for years beginning when...
German Cardinal Gerhard Muller: ‘Pope Francis is doing everything possible’
VATICAN CITY -- People can disagree about problems and the best ways to resolve them, but no one should launch a formal accusation against...
Archbishop Vigano makes new claims of suppressed documents in McCarrick case
VATICAN CITY -- Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former nuncio to the United States who accused Pope Francis and church officials of failing to...
U.S. bishops’ conference outlines confidential reporting system to report abuse
WASHINGTON -- Pledging to "heal and protect with every bit of the strength God provides us," the U.S. bishops' Administrative Committee Sept. 19 outlined...
Vatican letter acknowledges McCarrick allegations from 2000
VATICAN CITY -- A top official from the Vatican Secretariat of State acknowledged allegations made by a New York priest in 2000 concerning Archbishop...
Cardinal Wuerl to kick off ‘season of healing’ in Washington
WASHINGTON -- Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington encouraged archdiocesan parishes to participate in a six-week "Season of Healing" to counter what he called...
Silence is Christ’s response to lies, divisiveness, pope says at Mass
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Jesus himself showed that the best way to respond to scandal and divisiveness is to stay silent and pray, Pope...