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Tag: Catholic Social Ministry Gathering

Child care is core component in this post-Roe world: ‘You can’t...

WASHINGTON -- Affordable child care must be a core component of a post-Roe response from the Church, advocates at the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering...

Mark Shields dies at 85; Catholic news commentator rarely held back

WASHINGTON — Political commentator Mark Shields, who died June 18 at age 85, often wore his Catholic faith on his sleeve in his columns,...

Inequities in health care exposed during pandemic, Catholic Health Association official...

WASHINGTON — Inequities in U.S. health care have long existed, but the coronavirus pandemic has exposed them to wider scrutiny, according to Kathy Curran,...

Community land trusts a possible answer for escalating housing costs

WASHINGTON — Community land trusts are celebrating their 50th anniversary in the United States in 2019, and Catholic figures had a role in their...

Catholics gather on Hill to pray lawmakers will protect the Dreamers

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON  -- A group of priests, religious, young immigrants and their supporters gathered outside of the U.S. Capitol Feb. 6 to pray...