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Tag: Catholic social teaching

Analysis: How vice presidential candidates Walz, Vance measure up when it...

WASHINGTON -- While the selection of a running mate in recent decades has had little discernible electoral impact on elections, experts told OSV News...

Our on-demand lifestyle isn’t fair in what it demands of other...

How we live our lives is substantially different from how our parents and grandparents lived theirs. We no longer need to wait a whole...

Key elements of Catholic social teaching are work, solidarity and organizing

Pope Francis tells us Catholic social doctrine applies in the concrete situations within which we find ourselves living. In speeches to the World Meeting...

After Chauvin verdict, Minnesota bishops urge faithful to follow example of...

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- As the Twin Cities and the nation continue to absorb events that led to the April 20 guilty verdict of...

‘Laudato Si’ tells us: Everything is interconnected when caring for the...

"Everything is interconnected." Those three words serve as a key to unlocking the purpose of Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical "Laudato Si'" on the urgent...

Follow the example of our elders and care for the earth...

In 1891, Pope Leo XIII articulated his vision of Catholic social teaching impacting the affairs of our world. Like Jesus, who entered the world...

Catholic social teaching: Solidarity means commitment to the common good

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we are far more interconnected than we previously imagined. To use the words of Martin...

Catholic social teaching: By practicing solidarity, we can be our neighbor’s...

Am I my brother's and sister's keeper? And who are my brothers and sisters? Just considering these two familiar questions gives us the essence...

Catholic social teaching: Cultivating the dignity of work and the rights...

Cultivating the vineyard of the Lord includes cultivating the lives of those who toil in the vineyard. God's vineyard is the entire earth, and...

Catholic social teaching: Work should be sacred space for people to...

For people who prefer to keep their job and their faith separate, the Catholic Church poses a massive challenge. Catholic teaching simply does not...