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St. Elizabeth teacher Haley Will inspired as Pope Francis demonstrates environment...

WILMINGTON — There are some new additions coming to the Cedar Street campus of St. Elizabeth School, and they should be beneficial for the...

Mount Aviat Academy students get a lesson on importance of bees:...

CHILDS, Md. — Since Mount Aviat Academy acquired its own beehive recently, it only made sense to teach a lesson about the insects and...

‘The Letter: A message for our earth’ — you can do...

When you think about the Vatican, great filmmaking isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But a documentary released by the Vatican on the...

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley hails reinstatement of environmental rules for federal...

WASHINGTON — The chairman of a U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' committee welcomed a White House action that will restore regulatory provisions that were...

In new book, Pope Francis urges changes of habit, protection of...

VATICAN CITY — Despite the disappointing outcome of the COP26 summit on climate change, Pope Francis said he knows it is not too late...

Retired New York priest encourages clergy to ‘green’ their pulpits as...

CLEVELAND — Father Michael Bausch has long been concerned about the environment and would speak at times about care for God’s creation during homilies...

Archdiocese of Washington creates plan to care for creation

WASHINGTON — Launched Aug. 16, the Archdiocese of Washington’s action plan to promote “an integral ecology” includes practical ways that parishes, Catholic schools and...

Wider dialogue with government on environmental issues welcomed by faith-based groups

CLEVELAND — Faith-based organizations working to address climate change and strengthen creation care initiatives are being heard again by the federal government. Since President Joe...

Momentum for Laudato Si’ gears up for next decade

VATICAN CITY — When the special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year closes May 24, it will celebrate progress made over the past five years, and...

‘Laudato Si’ tells us: Everything is interconnected when caring for the...

"Everything is interconnected." Those three words serve as a key to unlocking the purpose of Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical "Laudato Si'" on the urgent...