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Fasting: The longing of our bodies for food echoes the longing...

By Jeannette de Beauvoir, OSV News Once upon a time, fasting was an expectation. Prayer, almsgiving (charity) and fasting were seen by the early church as...

Living liturgically means living Lent all year — Jaymie Stuart...

Living liturgically means approaching Lent as a built-in annual retreat. For most Catholics, that takes a time-tested and traditional shape. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving...

Third Sunday of Lent: How can fasting fill us with joy?

Here's some challenging, ancient wisdom from the desert fathers: "Do not trust in your own righteousness, do not worry about the past. But control...

What can we fast from when it feels like we’ve already...

I know that I am not the only one for whom this year has been full of unpredictable moments. More than anything, this year...

Fasting from sin is a challenge all of us face daily

In the beginning, fasting was no big deal -- or at least it shouldn't have been. God gave Adam and Eve all they wanted, with...

The right Lenten fast for you

Each year in the days before Lent, my husband and I share a list of what we plan to give up that year. Last...

Fasting to be the person God is calling

"We must love with our eyes open," Canterbury's Archbishop Justin Welby said last October. Saints, the Anglican leader advised, are people who are able...

“Eat, Fast, Feast” book offers helpful guides for Lenten disciplines

"Eat, Fast, Feast: Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul -- A Christian Guide to Fasting" by Jay W. Richards. HarperOne (San Francisco, 2020)....

Prayer, almsgiving, fasting: How to approach Lent as a family

Incorporating children into our Lenten journey can be difficult for parents. I know it was for me, until one year, when I was at...

Ash Wednesday — a kick-start to holiness

When I was in college there was a group of students who didn't always practice their faith, but when Ash Wednesday rolled around all...