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Tag: Father John Klevence

Diocese of Wilmington priests Fathers James Kirk and John Klevence recall...

It’s not every day that you get to see a pope elected. Everyone knows black smoke signals more work needs to be done by cardinals...

Anne Marie Conestabile retires after more than 20 years with International...

At the turn of the century, Anne Marie Conestabile worked with Father John Klevence to set up a program to help with the influx...

‘Reconciliation Monday’ likely to return next Holy Week after ‘overwhelming’ turnout...

“Reconciliation Monday” drew thousands of people to dozens of churches in the first-of-its-kind concentrated effort to administer the sacrament of penance in the same...

St. Ann in Bethany Beach parishioners step up to help Catholics...

BETHANY BEACH -- Parishioners at St  Ann's are helping to build a Catholic church in the small African nation of Burkina Faso. Father Francois Palm...

‘Jericho March’ against abortion includes protesters at Planned Parenthood in Dover

Armed with blessings and prayers, they have marched each Friday morning since April 9 at Planned Parenthood in Dover.  Their mission: To tear down —...

Delaware, Maryland resort-area pastors say their churches still have room as...

Despite reports of heavy crowds in Delaware’s resort towns and Ocean City, Md., priests in the Ocean Deanery say there’s still room in their...

Diocese of Wilmington priests say reaction to streamed Masses is overwhelmingly...

The coronavirus pandemic may have forced the stoppage of Masses open to the public, but several priests in the Diocese of Wilmington have discovered...