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Tag: Humanae Vitae

Question Corner: The end does not justify the means: Why the...

Q: A Catholic doctor who has to prescribe birth control pills as part of his job does not agree with the church's teaching on...

New Philadelphia women’s center offers ‘authentic Catholic health care’

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) -- As a nursing student at Syracuse University, Barbara Rose had to study contraception so that she could instruct women in its...

Lack of family unity leads to growing social troubles, Helen Alvare...

NAPA, Calif. -- Americans continue to pursue "this ridiculous path" of "unlinking sex and marriage and kids, while calling what is actually falling apart...

The legacy of ‘Humanae Vitae’ at 50 years

Perhaps the most surprising thing about the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" 50 years on, is how reports of its imminent death were continually exaggerated. Very...

How a non-Catholic couple discovered ‘Humanae Vitae’

I stood at the desk in my college apartment, holding a box of birth control pills. As I read the instructions, the lengthy list...

Living Our Faith: ‘Humanae Vitae’ at 50 years

Fifty years after its promulgation, the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" has been labeled "prophetic." Pope Paul VI understood that the quality of marital and parental love...

Birth of an encyclical: Priest documents preparation of ‘Humanae Vitae’

VATICAN CITY -- Documents in the Vatican Secret Archives and the archives of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith prove it was...

Catholic tradition guides teaching on contraception, archbishop says

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON -- The Catholic Church's teaching on marriage, abortion, human sexuality and contraception is rooted in the same respect for human dignity...