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Tag: Laura Kelly Fanucci

Give thanks for each gathering and the physical presence of sacramentals...

Remember when we said we’d never take the Eucharist for granted again? When we had to watch Mass online or from cars in the...

Have you ever considered that Christ was once a teenager? —...

If I asked you to imagine Jesus' childhood, you'd likely picture him as a baby in the manger. But have you ever considered that...

Even smallest seed can become mighty tree — Laura Kelly Fanucci

We’re flying by the seat of our pants. School is back in swing. Work is back to busy-as-usual. Meanwhile, gas and groceries cost more than...

Does your family calendar include events at church? It could help...

Where does God show up on your calendar? I pose this as a real question, not a rhetorical one. If someone found your planner on...

Catching a glimpse of God through the doldrums of a Little...

As a mother of five boys, I have spent countless nights at baseball fields, but never have I glimpsed God in the dugout until...

Around the family dinner table, war in Ukraine is difficult as...

Tonight the news is swirling from the radio as I cook dinner. Is the world on the brink of war? I stir and fret,...

Make a parish family-friendly is a practical, spiritual undertaking: Laura Kelly...

Who doesn’t want the church to grow or the next generation of Catholics to embrace a deep love for their faith? One simple way...

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, an oasis of peace and...

When I made my first confession, I clutched an index card with sweaty palms. On one side, I'd copied the act of contrition, dutifully...

Waiting is with us throughout life, but heightened in the Advent...

"Wait for me!" Our 4-year-old runs after his big brothers, coat flapping and boots thumping. As I watch the kids race through the yard,...

Laura Kelly Fanucci: A theology of gift and grandparents

Grandparents rank among the best gift-givers. In our house, they are legendary. Presents tumbling out of suitcases. Piles under the Christmas tree. Birthday packages on...