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Tag: Lazarus

When Jesus raised the dead where did their souls go? ...

Q: Regarding the people Jesus raised from the dead, where were their souls while they were dead? (Location withheld) A: Among the many miracles Jesus...

Jesus demonstrates lightheartedness should be part of our faith journey —...

My friend Sam, 7 years old, lived on a tree-lined street in an old neighborhood. One day, when out playing, Sam (name changed to protect...

WATCH: Extraordinary event in salvation history — Sunday homily, Msgr. Steven...

(The Dialog news operation is providing special alerts to readers of the Angelus e-newsletter. Sign up here for a free subscription to the Angelus). Msgr....

Our Lenten Journey, March 11: St. Martha

Not much is known about the life of St. Martha, except for the few mentions she receives in the Gospels. What we do know is...

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Caring for the Lazarus in our...

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 29, 2019 1) Am 6:1a, 4-7 Psalm 146:7-10 2) 1 Tm 6:11-16 Gospel: Lk 16:19-31 Today's Gospel consists of a parable by Jesus....