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CBS News ’60 Minutes’ provides inspiring story of rebuilt Notre Dame...

Like so many of us, I enjoy watching football on a Sunday afternoon, especially if the game includes my beloved Philadelphia Eagles. Football and baseball...

Pope Francis asks media outlets to share truth and not spread...

VATICAN CITY -- Media outlets have a responsibility to share the truth, not spread ideologies, Pope Francis said. The pope told employees of the Italian...

Sister Nancy Usselmann invites young adults to be ‘media mindful’ during...

CULVER CITY, Calif. -- Sister Nancy Usselmann, a Daughter of St. Paul, who is a widely recognized expert on media literacy, is inviting young...

Unplugged: Digital media fasting can lead to more in intentional living...

Every Lent, I wonder what I will do to enter more profoundly into this penitential season: Should I refrain from sweets, coffee, gluten? All...

‘One of Us’ podcast: Bobbie Bell’s volunteerism at St. Christopher’s in...

“One of Us” is brief snapshot of people who support the church in various ways in the Diocese of Wilmington. We will regularly feature people who...

Could bizarreness emanating from social media be rooted in irresponsibility? —...

What is propelling outlandish public statements that are becoming increasingly common today? Could it be they have become a new means for getting media attention...

Two men named Francis offer guidance for media road map

VATICAN CITY — When Pope Francis met with a Catholic News Service delegation marking the agency’s 100th anniversary, he encouraged the agency to continue...

SIGNIS: Catholic media vital for accurate news, stories of faith, hope

WASHINGTON — The president of SIGNIS urged the world’s bishops as the “chief storyteller” in their diocese to use all media at their disposal...