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Tag: Republican National Convention

Republican National Convention approves new, 16-page party platform remade in ‘Trump’s...

Delegates at the Republican National Convention approved a new party platform July 15 that largely reflects their nominee Donald Trump's political positions, many in...

U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, military veteran and Catholic from Ohio, chosen...

WASHINGTON -- Former President Donald Trump on July 15 named Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, a Catholic, as his running mate on the Republican ticket...

Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director, says ‘you can’t even conceive...

WASHINGTON -- Abby Johnson, former director of Planned Parenthood and convert to Catholicism, addressed the Republican National Convention Aug. 25 in a video message...

Cardinal Dolan offers prayer at Republican National Convention ‘that all lives...

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan thanked God for living in a country that respects religious freedom and prayed for people...

New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan accepts invitation to offer a prayer...

CLEVELAND -- Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York confirmed he has accepted an invitation from the Republican National Committee to offer a prayer...
