Tag: Sister Helen Prejean
Texas death-row inmate Ivan Cantu executed despite allegations of false testimony...
Ivan Cantu was executed Feb. 28 by the state of Texas despite claims that the Texan's 2001 conviction for killing James Mosqueda and Amy...
Sister Helen Prejean’s fight to abolish the death penalty: ‘What I...
WASHINGTON-- Sister Helen Prejean, a Sister of St. Joseph, shows no signs of slowing down in her long-standing fight to end the death penalty.
Reports show that Richard Glossip, an Oklahoma man on death row...
WASHINGTON -- A law firm's June 15 report claiming the innocence of Richard Glossip, an Oklahoma man on death row for more than 25...
Significant year in U.S. Supreme Court brings to forefront abortion, school...
WASHINGTON -- This past year was busy for the nation's high court, particularly with issues of interest to Catholics regarding abortion, religious liberty, COVID-19...
Will spiritual advisers be allowed in execution chambers? Supreme Court to...
WASHINGTON -- A case before the Supreme Court Nov. 9 argues that death-row chaplains should have the final word.
Specifically, they should be able to...
Those executed under Trump administration ‘deserved more’ from Supreme Court, justice...
WASHINGTON — Although the Supreme Court cleared the way for the execution of Dustin Higgs Jan. 15, two justices made their objections known loud...
Catholic leaders decry additional federal execution measures
WASHINGTON — A move by the Department of Justice to expand how it carries out federal death sentences — to include electrocution, gas or...
Supreme Court denies stay of execution for Texas inmate Orlando Hall;...
WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court Nov. 19 denied a stay of execution for federal inmate Orlando Hall, who was put to death by lethal...
With more federal executions pending, U.S. bishops call on Trump, Barr...
WASHINGTON — In response to the upcoming federal execution of Orlando Hall Nov. 19, and two more federal executions scheduled to take place in...
Catholic leaders denounce Texas rule banning chaplains from death chamber
WASHINGTON — Catholic leaders have spoken against the scheduled execution of Texas death-row inmate Ruben Gutierrez June 16 and have denounced the state’s rule...