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Tag: spiritual communion

Question Corner: Are spiritual communion and sacramental Communion the same in...

Q: Some people have said a spiritual communion is the same as a sacramental Communion when one has a sincere desire and cannot receive...

Question Corner: Explaining spiritual communion and whether or not priests can...

Q: We’ve been wondering about the wording in the prayer used for those who attend Sunday Mass virtually. The phrases: “Come AT LEAST spiritually...

Father Brian Lewis among priests who support ‘spiritual Communion’ as COVID-19...

LEWES — When Father Brian S. Lewis celebrates Mass these days, it’s being filmed and uploaded to YouTube so that those who are self-isolating...

Understanding the concept of ‘Spiritual Communion’: Father Richard G. Malloy, S.J.

"Sacraments are those signs that achieve in human hearts and lives what they signify to human minds," University of Notre Dame theologian Jesuit Father...