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Tag: work

Sanctifying work: more than a way to make a living?

My mind has been focused on work a lot lately. That's probably because in seven of our eight adult children's households, someone has been...

Key elements of Catholic social teaching are work, solidarity and organizing

Pope Francis tells us Catholic social doctrine applies in the concrete situations within which we find ourselves living. In speeches to the World Meeting...

Catholic social teaching: Cultivating the dignity of work and the rights...

Cultivating the vineyard of the Lord includes cultivating the lives of those who toil in the vineyard. God's vineyard is the entire earth, and...

Catholic social teaching: Work should be sacred space for people to...

For people who prefer to keep their job and their faith separate, the Catholic Church poses a massive challenge. Catholic teaching simply does not...

Work, its benefits and pitfalls

The way we often talk about work, you'd think it was a scourge. But that's not God's plan for work, according to Scripture. It...

The holy family, and us, in search of the dignity of...

Tables and chess sets. Bookends and treasure boxes. All fashioned from good, solid wood, usually oak. Cut and shaped, sanded and smoothed, nailed and...

Finding dignity and purpose in work

What is your attitude toward work? Do you work in order to live, or do you live in order to work? How do you...

Living Our Faith: The value of work

Most of us have an innate desire to contribute in a positive way to the good of society, to help make the world a...
