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Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal helps ‘Shine the Light of Christ’ in Diocese of Wilmington — Bishop Koenig


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am writing to you today regarding this years’ Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal.

This important work enables us, as the Catholic community of Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, to Shine the Light of Christ within our Church and throughout our communities.

As people of Faith, we prepare people to receive their First Holy Communion, experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation, be Confirmed in the Holy Spirit, enter into Marriage and be formed for Holy Orders. We care for the pastoral needs of the sick and elderly who are in hospitals or nursing homes. We provide, through Catholic Charities, compassionate assistance to those who are suffering from financial or emotional challenges. We strive through our communications to live out the command that is given after the final Blessing at Mass to “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.” It is through your support that these good works and ministries continue to provide for the needs of so many.

Over the past year, our diocese was able to provide faith and charity support at a higher level than ever before. And for that I thank you. As we begin this year’s Appeal, I respectfully ask you to please be part of this year’s Appeal and help us to continue Shining the Light of Christ throughout our Diocese of Wilmington.

Please know that this year’s Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal – Shining the Light of Christ will kick off in the parishes on Commitment Weekend, April 29-30. As we strive to raise a goal of $5 million, I ask you to prayerfully consider a generous gift to our efforts. Our parishes and faith and charity ministries will continue to thrive through your participation. I am ever grateful for your consideration.

Faithfully yours in Christ

Most Reverend William E. Koenig, D.D.
Bishop of Wilmington