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Students at St. Ann School in Wilmington get a feeling for life in the church at Vocations Day — Photo gallery

Celebrating Mass on Vocations Day at St. Ann's are, from left, seminarian Tibor Nagy, Deacon James Gebhart and Father John Mink, pastor.

St. Ann School in Wilmington started off the new year with a Vocations Day for grades 5-8.

The students attended a 9 a.m. Mass and after Mass heard about the universal call to holiness as reflected in the lives of our first American saints: St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and St. John Neumann.

Participating in the day were Sister Janet Mary and Sister Therese, Little Sisters of the Poor from the St. Jeanne Jugan residence in Newark, and Sister Mary Ellen of the Daughters of Charity from the Cathedral of St. Peter. They joined Rev. Mr. James Gebhart, a transitional deacon who served his pastoral year at St. Ann’s and is scheduled to be ordained a priest on May 18.

Also sharing his vocations story was Tibor Nagy, a pre-theology student at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, who taught at St. Ann’s and St. Peter’s Cathedral School last year.

The Vocations Day was planned by pastoral year seminarian Eric Gianforcaro, who is serving at St. Ann’s this year, along with 8th grade teacher Theresa Moore.

Lou DeAngelo, diocesan superintendent of schools, attended also attended the program.