Home Catechetical Corner Updated: Diocese of Wilmington parishes offer livestreamed Masses, other spiritual resources

Updated: Diocese of Wilmington parishes offer livestreamed Masses, other spiritual resources

Priest celebrate mass at the church and empty place for text"n"n

Although public gatherings have been limited in order to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, many parishes in the Diocese of Wilmington are offering online reflections, Masses and spiritual messages to connect with their parishioners.

Most parishes are also still posting their weekly bulletins online.

If your parish is offering online spiritual resources or livestreaming Mass, or you have updates to the information listed below, send the details to news@thedialog.org.

The following parishes are offering Mass or spiritual reflections:

Cathedral of St. Peter, Wilmington , cathedralofstpeter.com

Sunday Mass on the parish website. Daily Mass can be found on the website and the Downtown Catholic YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCBSRW3xMxYz9UBmvgFtWi8g/

Church of the Good Shepherd, Perryville, Md. goodshepherdcecilmd.org

4 p.m. Mass and evening prayer daily; Masses available on the parish YouTube channel – www.youtube.com/channel/UC-XfQ_wH9S73SUfiBTU1O3w/videos

Church of the Holy Child, Wilmington www.chcparish.org/

Live stream masses at parish YouTube page: www.youtube.com/channel/UC2UotqDGeOMUl-gQG3t9sKw

• Church of the Holy Cross, Dover holycrossdover.org/

Reflections from Holy Cross clergy can be found here: holycrossdover.org/introducing/pastors-page/spiritual-resources-page

Mass also available on the parish YouTube page:HolyCrossDE www.youtube.com/channel/UClD7p6YHfMlBmCpfbhlpzoA

• Holy Family Church https://www.holyfamilynewark.org/

Offers the Recorded Sunday Mass on our YouTube Channel – available every Saturday after 3 PM


• Holy Rosary, Claymont, hrparish.com

Mass will be livestreamed and recorded beginning March 29. It will be available on Facebook, through the parish website and on YouTube.

www.facebook.com/Holy-Rosary-Catholic-Church-156541847727887/ and Holy Rosary Claymont DE YouTube page www.youtube.com/channel/UCTsKs7JFbIFZbZlGKOIcvug

• Immaculate Conception/St. Jude, Elkton, Md.

Every evening at 7 p.m., music director Dana Brehany leads live prayer hour. www.facebook.com/ICCparish/

• Immaculate Conception, Marydel

Daily Mass available at www.iccmarydel.org/view-daily-mass.html

• Immaculate Heart of Mary, Wilmington ihm.weconnect.com/

Mass can be found on the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/IHMParish1990/ or YouTube page www.youtube.com/channel/UC369xw_hmLRVfK07AqRgrpA

Our Lady of Fatima, New Castle olfnewcastle.com

Sunday Mass at 9 a.m. on the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/olfnewcastle

• Our Lady of Lourdes, Seaford ollseaford.org

Messages from the pastor, Rosary, Stations of the Cross are available on the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/OLLSeafordDE/

• Parish of the Resurrection, Wilmington resurrectionde.org

Video Recorded Sunday Mass on the parish website and YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC9x_wcEKTzv5hHLCCV3LKOA.

Also, Mass each Sunday in the church at 9:30 a.m. 

• St. Ann, Bethany Beach, St. Luke, OCMD, & Our Lady of Guadalupe, Frankford stannbb.org

Daily live streaming of Mass on parish website at 9 a.m. Also offering  a variety of prayers, links to other services, and Scripture commentary on our website at  stannbb.org/.Click through photo gallery at top of page. The Masses specifically are on stannbb.org/do-not-be-anxious/.  Masses and stations are also streamed simultaneously on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/stannbb/ and on Diocesan Publications myParish app, which is available for free download to mobile devices.

• St. Anthony of Padua, Wilmington sapde.org/

Weekly reflection from Fr. Francis Rinaldi on the parish webpage. Weekly Mass using the Meet.com website. See the Facebook page for more information: www.facebook.com/stanthonyswilm/ Also, look for instructions on signing into the Meet app on the parish Twitter page, @StAnthonysWilm.

• St. Christopher, Chester, Md. stchristopherski.org

Go to the parish webpage for current updates.

• St. Catherine of Siena, Wilmington www.scswilmde.org/

Weekly homilies will be posted on the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/scswilmde

• St. Edmond, Rehoboth Beach www.stedmond.org/

A recorded Mass will be available on the parish website.

• St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Bear setonparish.net

Livestreaming on the parish Facebook page www.facebook.com/setonparishDE/

• St. Elizabeth, Wilmington steparish.org

Livestreaming Mass on the parish Facebook page: steparish.org/news/sunday-mass-live-stream-through-facebook

• St. Francis de Sales, Salisbury http://www.visitstfrancis.org/

Masses available on the parish YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjjBUHw-cPIZHwWLCmJvDw

• St. Hedwig, Wilmington  sthedwigde.org
Sunday Mass at 9 a.m. (in English)  & 11:30 a.m. (in Polish) Live Streamed on Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sthedwigde

• St. Helena, Wilmington www.sainthelenas.org

Mass with Msgr. Russell available on the parish website. Mass on Facebook live www.facebook.com/StHelenasParishDE/ under videos every Saturday at 5 p.m.; available to be watched on Sunday mornings also. Parish YouTube page: www.youtube.com/channel/UCOc7iS2b7nXcdrOubo9CdkQ?app=desktop

St. John the Beloved, Wilmington sjbde.org/

Mass available. Go to https://sjbde.org/ or www.facebook.com/sjbde for more information.

• St. John the Baptist /Holy Angels, Newark stjohn-holyangels.com

Daily Masses in St. Michael Chapel at Holy Angels, livestreamed on Facebook at 8 a.m., (8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays). Weekend Masses livestreamed Sunday 9 a.m. (English) and 11 a.m. (Spanish). Daily meditations also posted periodically.  www.facebook.com/stjohnholyangels

St. John Neumann, Berlin, Md. www.stjohnneumannrcc.com/

Fr. Joe Cocucci’s weekly gospel message for children, comes out on Fridays: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEk4TJFCIDE&feature=youtu.be

Livestreamed Mass every Sunday at 10AM: www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYWCSWZDclHfNcWayftyeA

• St. Joseph, French Street, Wilmington stjosephfrenchst.org/

Sunday Mass on parish YouTube channel 10 a.m., also Wednesdays. St. Josephs Wilm https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9-ljIa9-IU0OS9jPbe2ddQ  Also check the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/StJosephFrenchStreet/

• St. Joseph on the Brandywine, Greenvville www.stjosephonthebrandywine.org/

Stations of the Cross available here: www.stjosephonthebrandywine.org/videos.html

• St. Joseph, Middletown http://www.stjosephmiddletown.com/

Livestreamed Mass Mon.-Fr, 5 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturdays here:


• St. Jude the Apostle, Lewes www.stjudelewes.org/

Mass on the parish YouTube page  www.youtube.com/channel/UC2vnHlr2UccJsuItv_Xrzhg

• St. Margaret of Scotland margaretofscotland.org/

Mass available on the livestreaming page margaretofscotland.org/streaming/

Also on Facebook live: www.facebook.com/StMargaretofScotlandDE

• St. Mary of the Assumption, Hockessin www.smachurch.com/

Livestream available here: www.smachurch.com/stream

Video available on the parish YouTube page: www.youtube.com/channel/UC-IZU4DeQq6Hg8xDcaWYRDA

• St. Mary’s and St. Patrick’s, Wilmington smspwilmington.com

(Connecting through the Cathedral of St. Peter offerings) Daily Mass can be found on the website, www.cathedralofstpeter.com/, and the Downtown Catholic YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCBSRW3xMxYz9UBmvgFtWi8g/

• St. Mary Magdalen, Wilmington smmchurch.org

Videos available on the parish webpage. Mass and devotions on parish YouTube channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWcQNKKqilmJWKov_Hr7Fg

• St. Mary Star of the Sea, and Holy Savior, Ocean City, Md. stmarystaroftheseaocmd.com

Mass available on the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SaintMaryOceanCityMD/

• St. Matthew, Wilmington www.stmatthewsde.com/

Videos available on the parish website.

• Ss. Peter and Paul, Easton, St. Joseph, Cordova, & St. Michael, St. Michael’s www.ssppeaston.org/

Videos available on the parish website:  www.ssppeaston.org/what_s_new/recordings_of_sspp_masses

and the parish Facebook page www.facebook.com/SSPPEaston/

• St. Polycarp, Smyrna saintpolycarp.org

Live stream Masses at St. Polycarp can be viewed at 4 p.m. on Saturday’s on the parish YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE.

•  St. Thomas More Oratory, Newark udcatholic.org

Messages from the pastor www.udcatholic.org/videos.html

• St. Thomas the Apostle, Wilmington sainttom.org

Sunday Mass will be posted on the parish website. Daily Mass livestreamed Monday through Friday at 8 a.m.  Sunday Mass will be taped and available on YouTube, Saturday afternoon www.youtube.com/channel/UCQF4g0A1J7_-A8DemCVApug
