Home Our Diocese Diocese of Wilmington newspaper The Dialog grows website audience threefold year-over-year

Diocese of Wilmington newspaper The Dialog grows website audience threefold year-over-year

Dialog Digital Growth 2019-2020 Graphic

The audience for thedialog.org has been growing considerably for the last two years, according to statistics provided by Google Analytics.

As much as the plight of coronavirus has disabled so many portions of our lives, connecting with larger groups of people online has been one of the lifelines. And the growth of The Dialog web audience has demonstrated the need for news and information among Catholics in the Diocese of Wilmington.

Year-over-year traffic numbers for The Dialog website in March 2020 grew by 169 percent with 97,090 pageviews in the month. The number of readers in March grew to 51,992 as calculated by Google.

The Dialog has not been published in print since mid-March, but officials at the Diocese of Wilmington plan for the print edition of the biweekly newspaper to return after the lifting of coronavirus-related restrictions and resumption of public Masses.

The diocese newspaper is primarily distributed at churches throughout Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Public Masses have been suspended indefinitely to try to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The Dialog website has also picked up the feed of livestreamed Masses produced by the diocese Office of Communications and shared the webcasts with its audience along with the diocese website, cdow.org.

Dialog staff can be reached primarily by email.

News, production and business questions can be directed to:

Joseph Owens at jowens@thedialog.org

Mike Lang at mlang@thedialog.org

Virginia Durkin O’Shea at voshea@thedialog.org

Ingrid Thomas at ithomas@thedialog.org

Kaitlyn Firmani at kfirmani@thedialog.org

Any news items of interest can also be sent to news@thedialog.org.

The news operation has also provided special alerts to readers of the Angelus e-newsletter. Sign up here for a free online subscription to the Angelus.​

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