Home Our Diocese Yard signs help Saint Mark’s High School seniors stay connected: Photo gallery

Yard signs help Saint Mark’s High School seniors stay connected: Photo gallery

Elizabeth Eberwein takes a look at her yard sign, which is now in her front yard in Kennett Square, Pa. (Dialog photo/Mike Lang)

MILLTOWN — Yard signs have become one of the more popular ways for schools to let their seniors know they aren’t forgotten. Saint Mark’s High School got in on the action this past weekend, distributing the signs during a drive-by giveaway on May 2.

Senior Amanda Tucci spent a few hours on the warm spring morning greeting cars that approached. Several parents showed up in lieu of their children, but Tucci was able to say hello to a handful of her classmates. They had just wrapped up their seventh week of schooling at home.

Amanda Tucci spent the morning of May 2 at Saint Mark’s High School, where her classmates or their parents stopped by to pick up yard signs. (Dialog photo/Mike Lang)

Amanda Tucci was at the school helping hand out signs with her family, including brother Bryce, a freshman. She could have stayed home but felt drawn to the school.

“To be able to see my friends, maybe, and to be able to get this sign is a way that we call all show that we are one. We all have our signs together,” she said.

She thought about the memories the Class of 2020 should be making, “like prom and graduation, sports banquet, the last senior Mass, the barbecue.

“It just kind of stinks that we don’t know how all these events are going to take place.”

One student who did make the trip to Saint Mark’s was Tucci’s good friend, Grace Fedor.

“I wanted to see the campus again because it’s definitely different when it’s quiet and no one’s there. Just rolling in and thinking about all the memories you’ve made. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get the last months of senior year, but it was nice to be able to see everyone who was there and think back on my time at school there,” Fedor said.

A member of the volleyball team, Fedor will long remember the sight of her schoolmates filling an end section at the Bob Carpenter Center when the Spartans took on Padua for the state championship last November.

“Another thing is just all the leadership positions I held at school, being able to be involved every year and meeting those new kids and telling them how great Saint Mark’s is and welcoming them into the community was a big part of my years there,” she said.

Senior Elizabeth Eberwein said her mother was anticipating having the sign decorate their front yard in Kennett Square, Pa. She’s been trying to stay busy while studying at home.

“I just go outside and run. My family is doing games and puzzles and stuff,” she said.

Tucci said Saint Mark’s is “like a home to so many people” and is excited to see the size of the incoming freshman class, which is approaching 200 students. So is her friend Fedor, who is happy about the number of eighth-graders who will get to go through the Saint Mark’s experience.

“The school is amazing,” she said.