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Help give the gift of faith: Support the Share in the Spirit collection Sept. 26-27


Dear Friends in Christ,

When parents choose Catholic schools for their children, they are embracing Christ’s call to “let the little children come to me” by providing their daughters and sons a first-rate education with a Catholic perspective from the dedicated teachers in the Diocese of Wilmington’s elementary and secondary schools.

Those parents who want to pass the gift of faith to the next generation by enrolling their children in a Catholic school, also commit themselves to paying tuition.

Bishop Malooly

This year, especially because of the economic hardships induced by the COVID pandemic, many families are facing a tough decision on continuing their children’s Catholic school education.

That is why the 2020 Share in the Spirit collection, conducted in parishes the weekend of September 26 and 27, is more important than ever before.

Donations to the collection combined with the annual interest from the Diocese’s Vision for the Future Education Trust, provides tuition assistance each year to families unable to pay the full cost of tuition.

This year, $715,550 has been allocated to 318 students for tuition relief thanks to the Trust and the annual Share in the Spirit collection.

While your generous support over the years for the Share in the Spirit collection has helped hundreds of families, the need for assistance has always been higher than what can be provided.

This year nearly 1,000 students applied, but only about a third of them could be helped with available funds.

Given the gift of our faith and our responsibility to share it with future generations, please consider donating to the Share in the Spirit collection now when many families are facing unpredictable job status and other difficulties that, in turn, challenge their ability to fully afford Catholic school tuition.

Finally, let us pray for the health, safety and success of students and teachers in all schools during this pandemic year.

Sincerely yours in Our Lord,

Most Rev. W. Francis Malooly

Bishop of Wilmington