Home Catechetical Corner Diocese of Wilmington Annual Catechetical Day goes virtual March 20; Registration deadline...

Diocese of Wilmington Annual Catechetical Day goes virtual March 20; Registration deadline Feb. 26


The Diocese of Wilmington will hold its annual Catechetical Day on March 20, with participants tuning in virtually because of coronavirus-related restrictions. The deadline to register is Feb. 26.

The presenter for the day is Bob McCarty, a pastoral ministry consultant and trainer. He has been in professional ministry since 1973, serving in parish, school, diocesan and national settings. He offers retreats, workshops and planning for parishes, dioceses and ministry organizations.McCarty serves as the project coordinator for the Saint Mary’s Press research project, “Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffilation in Young Catholics.”

He is a volunteer in his parish youth ministry and catechectical programs at St. Francis of Assisi in Fulton, Md. He has a doctorate in ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana.

After an introduction from Colleen Lindsey, the director of the diocesan Office for Religious Education, a prayer from Bishop Malooly, and recognition of catechists from Lou De Angelo, the secretary of the diocesan Catholic Education Department, participants will move into the first workshops.

McCarty will present two sessions. The first is “Passing on the Faith: The Pain and the Promise!” That one will discuss research on the challenges of keeping young people active in their faith

Bob McCarty

and methods of engaging children, young adults and adults. The second, entitled “Spirituality for the Journey,” will provide strategies for integrating one’s spiritual life into his or her daily routine.

In between, there will be a young adult panel discussion. Dan Pin, the associate director of the office for Catholic Youth, Young Adult Ministry, and Family Life, will be the moderator. The panel will be composed of young adults who will share their experiences of the blessings and challenges of faith and discipleship.

The U.S. bishops’ catechetical theme for the year is “I Received from the Lord What I also Handed Out Onto You.” According to the diocesan Office for Religious Education, it is a reminder that those who the faith community has designated to serve as catechists “are called forth not simply to teach the faith to a younger generation, but to do so as witnesses of the Good News.” The catechetical day will celebrate those who have been these witnesses for years, and to become more equipped in living our own call within the various parish religious-education programs, our own families and the larger community.

Annual Catechetical Day
Held virtually March 20, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Registration for the day is $15.
Registration deadline Feb. 26.
Registration: cdowcym.wufoo.com/forms/x94v2cp0c8n72h/
More information, Linda Jackson, LJackson@cdow.org or (302) 573-3130.