Home Our Diocese Diocese of Wilmington Holy Week livestream schedule

Diocese of Wilmington Holy Week livestream schedule


Don’t forget to livestream Holy Week on your local diocese YouTube channel.

The Diocese of Wilmington announced its Holy Week and Easter 2021 livestream schedule. All services will be available live and as a replay, from the historic Cathedral of Saint Peter in Wilmington, on the diocesan YouTube channel – www.YouTube.com/DioceseofWilm.

At 7 p.m. on Holy Thursday, April 1, one of the most poignant ceremonies of the church year, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, will be livestreamed.

On Friday, April 2, the solemn Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion service, that commemorates the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, will begin at 3 p.m.

The evening of Holy Saturday, April 3, brings the majesty of the Easter Vigil Mass featuring the blessing of fire, water and the Easter candle, along with the baptism of an infant. The Vigil will begin at 8 p.m.

Easter Sunday, April 4, brings the joyful celebration of the resurrection of Christ with Easter Mass at 9:30 a.m.

Holy Week and Easter services will be presided by either Father  McQuaide, rector of the Cathedral and chancellor of the diocese; or Father Christopher M. Markellos, O. Praem, parochial vicar of the Cathedral .

Last year, more than 21,000 viewers participated in the diocesan Holy Week and Easter livestreams from Wilmington’s cathedral.