Home Our Diocese Bishop Koenig tours Wilmington facilities of Ministry of Caring Inc.: Photo gallery

Bishop Koenig tours Wilmington facilities of Ministry of Caring Inc.: Photo gallery

The cloistered Capuchin Poor Clares at the Monastery of St. Veronica Giuliani – who support the Ministry of Caring with ceaseless prayer and a variety of tasks – surprised Bishop Koenig with hearty applause when he arrived at their chapel with the ministry’s Founder and Executive Director Brother Ronald Giannone in group at right. “Quite a welcome!” said the bishop, who prayed with and for the Poor Clares. Accompanying Bishop Koenig on his tour of ministry facilities was the Msgr. Steven P. Hurley, who stood to his left as the ministry’s Director of Development Priscilla Rakestraw took photos of their visit. Photo courtesy Ministry of Caring.

Bishop Koenig spent time Aug. 4 getting acquainted with the many programs sponsored by Ministry of Caring Inc. for the poor and underprivileged in Wilmington.

The bishop toured numerous facilities with Msgr. Steven P. Hurley, vicar general and moderator of the curia for the Diocese of Wilmington, and Brother Ronald Giannone, founder and executive director of Ministry of Caring.