Home Education and Careers Salesianum School-Padua Academy effort helps blood drive in Talleyville

Salesianum School-Padua Academy effort helps blood drive in Talleyville

Padua Academy student Elizabeth Masci.

The students of Salesianum School and Padua Academy worked together to sign up 124 donors for a high school blood drive April 1 at Talleyville Fire Company through a work-based, Capstone project.

Students volunteered their time, not just to recruit donors for this drive with BBD Account Managers Desso Bryant and Mary Moore, but also greeted donors, took temperatures, and staffed the canteen, where they monitored donors post-donation.

They also donated blood after finishing their shifts. The student project helped overcome current restrictions that have not allowed the Blood Bank of Delmarva to get into schools. In addition, students learned about the lifesaving aspects of holding a blood drive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Blood is always needed, pandemic or not.

All told, BBD phlebotomists stuck 78 whole blood donors and 14 double red cell donors (minus deferrals).

Salesianum student John Dupel was among those volunteering for a shift before donating double red blood cells.

Salesianum Alumni President Mike Query gives double red cells with Chelsea Akers.

“It was really eye opening to see just how much the community needs blood and how hard it is to get people out here,” he said. “Especially now with COVID, it’s impossible to get into schools. So, it was really necessary for us to get together with Padua, the community and alumni from both schools to have somewhere for everyone to donate blood. I’m really surprised with how many actually came out. It’s great. And, a lot of props go to Talleyville Fire Company for letting us use this facility.”

Padua student Isabella Elliott was among those volunteering and giving blood once her shift was up as well. Isabella’s father, an O negative blood donor, inspired her to donate.

“So, last year I was really upset when weren’t able to do this because of COVID,” she said. “I was going to donate and volunteer, but couldn’t. I signed up this year. Everybody should donate blood. It’s an easy way to give back.”