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A day in photos: Father James Gebhart is ordained a priest by Bishop Koenig during Mass at Cathedral of St. Peter

James Gebhart distributes communion at his ordination at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington, Saturday, May 18, 2024. Dialog photo/Don Blake

Every pew at Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington was filled with people May 18 for the priesthood ordination of Father James Gebhart.

Click here to watch the Mass and ordination.

With connections growing up in two parishes and having been discerning his call to the priesthood a large portion of his adult life, Gebhart has also developed relationships among local priests who contributed to his formation.

In the days before his ordination, The Dialog spoke to three priests he identified as being among the many who helped him in the years of study and prayer leading to this important day in his life. They were eager to talk about a man they believe will become a holy priest who will make significant contributions wherever he is called to serve. Click here to see the story with their thoughts about Father Gebhart.

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Day in Photos