Home Our Diocese Catholic schools, parishes celebrate Ash Wednesday across the Diocese of Wilmington —...

Catholic schools, parishes celebrate Ash Wednesday across the Diocese of Wilmington — Photo gallery

Luciana Austin, a fourth grader from Holy Angels School, prays during Ash Wednesday services at Holy Angels Church, Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Photo/Don Blake

Catholics from schools and parishes across the Diocese of Wilmington made their way to church Feb. 14 to celebrate Ash Wednesday and receive their ashes.

Bishop Koenig celebrates Mass on Ash Wednesday Feb. 14 at Ursuline Academy. Dialog photo/Joseph P. Owens

From early morning Masses through the middle of the day and into the evening, Catholics celebrated the beginning of Lent.

Bishop Koenig celebrated morning Mass with students and faculty at Ursuline Academy in Wilmington.

Ash Wednesday this year coincided with St. Valentine’s Day.

The former is a day of prayer, penance and fasting; the latter, a day associated with chocolates and elegant, romantic dinners. But both, experts say, actually center on love.

The last time the two days merged took place in 2018. The next occurrence — and the final one for the 21st century — will be in 2029.